Spring Harvest 2024

Pray, worship, learn with the 24-7 Prayer GB Team at Spring Harvest, April 2024.

Prayer House: Book your slot
Seminars: Find out more
Resources: Find free resources mentioned at the event
Get in touch: Keep connected with the 24-7 Prayer GB team

Prayer House

Find space to creatively reflect and pray from 8am – 10pm Tuesday – Thursday in the Prayer House. You are free to pop in or book a slot, to get a reminder so you don’t forget!




You can find the 24-7 Prayer team running seminars in the Prayer House 2-3pm Tuesday – Thursday.



Why Night and Day Prayer?  

Join the 24-7 Prayer Team as they discuss the why of creative night and day prayer and what God is doing through the 24-7 Prayer movement in different contexts today, Ask questions and learn about what Night and Day prayer could look like for your community.  



How to Run a 24-7 Prayer Room: A Practical Guide  

In this session, join the 24-7 Prayer team as they explore how to run a Prayer Room in person, online, or hybrid – a mix of both! Discover resources, hear stories, and see a variety of prayer stations so you can leave equipped to facilitate creative spaces of prayer in your community. 



Prayer Spaces in Schools: Helping children and young people to reflect and pray 

Every year tens of thousands of pupils in every kind of school are exploring prayer in prayer spaces run by local Christians. Hear more about this remarkable movement and find out how you can join in. 


Why 24-7 Prayer

How to Run a Prayer Room

Prayer Room Starter Pack

Prayer Spaces in Schools

Red Moon Rising

Year of Prayer

Get in Touch

Hand in Hand Conference Form
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