Year of Prayer

Day and night people prayed unceasingly, passing the baton of prayer from one another. A continuous chain of people making a pilgrimage to a prayer room, with power to change individual lives and communities.

As 24-7 Prayer turns 25, this is our vision, our nation on it’s knees, praising, contending, interceding, lighting flames in peoples hearts and setting communities on fire for God’s mission and justice to be done.

Will you join us?

Register your Year of Prayer slot

Register your time of prayer. When you register your room you get access to exclusive resources, support from the 24-7 Prayer GB team, and the 24-7 Prayer Sign-Up Calendar.

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Prepare, Plan, Pray!

As we get ready for the 2024 year of prayer. We invite you to join us on a journey as we prepare together, plan our spaces, and “pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on us.” – The Vision Poem

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