As we get ready for the 2024 year of prayer. We invite you to join us on a journey as we prepare together, plan our spaces, and “pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on us.” – The Vision Poem
- Prepare – Click here to find out more about our Year of Prayer Webinar series.
- Plan – Get equipped with inspiration and resources to help you plan your space.
- Pray – It’s time to register your room and take up the baton in the year of prayer! Find out who is praying when and make sure you fill those empty slots!
The first stage in our journey to the year of prayer is to prepare our hearts.
We will be holding weekly webinars, to explain the What? Why? and How? of night and day prayer. This will provide an opportunity for us to hear stories, share insights and get practical about running a 24-7 Prayer Room, as we come together to learn and dream.
Whether you have never run a prayer room or you’ve lost count of how many you have run, everyone is welcome!
These webinars will be recorded so if you’re seeing this after they have gone live don’t worry you can still join in.
βIn prayer we inhale as God breathes his new life into us, and then in evangelism we exhale to breathe God’s life upon a dying world.β
Pete Greig, Red Moon Rising
The second key element on our timeline is to get practical and plan.
Download our year of prayer pack
This pack is designed to help you plan your space and your community to pray in it. It’s full of useful guidance and ideas for planning and printouts to use in your prayer room!
Including our:
- How to Run a 24-7 Prayer Room PDF
- Six Simple Prayer Station Ideas
- A 60 Minute Prayer Guide
“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem”
Isaiah 62:6-7 NIVUK
You’ve prepared your hearts and planned your space, all that’s left is to cover our nation in prayer. We’d love to know your prayer room stories. Tell us why you started praying, what you saw happen in your room, and what your hopes are for the future.
Storytelling and seeing that we are not alone but are part of a nation-wide body of people who are praying night and day β these things can hugely encourage and inspire us when we are feeling tired, isolated and discouraged.
So we are hoping to be able to share on our website and social media just where across Great Britain people are praying in the coming months, as well as the stories that will inevitably come out of these many hours spent in prayer rooms.
Share Your Prayer Room Story
Register Your Time of Prayer
If you haven’t booked your slot for the year of prayer, register it now!