Prayer Rooms

Running a Prayer Room

Prayer Rooms are at the heart of the 24-7 Prayer movement. They are a place of night and day prayer, where individuals pass on the baton of prayer from one another, one hour to the next. For centuries unceasing prayer has been the catalyst for change in individual lives and communities and we would love to support you in your journey of 24-7 Prayer.


Why Night and Day Prayer?

Why pray night and day? Discover the power the ancient practice of night and day prayer holds, and consider how your community could be transformed through 24-7 Prayer.

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How to Run a 24-7 Prayer Room

The premise is simple, collect a group of friends. Find a space, pick a week, get creative in the space, and each commit to pray for an hour, covering 24 hours in a chain of prayer. It’s so simple and yet it changes lives.

This page is full of practical tips and advice to help you on your way to running your 24-7 Prayer Room.

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Hybrid Prayer Rooms

Hybrid prayer rooms combine a physical and a virtual space so that your group can pray in person or at home. We have loved hearing the stories that have risen from hybrid spaces in our nation. Read about how St John’s Crawley set up their hybrid room and find out how you could get creative, to pray night and day in person and online.


Hybrid Prayer Rooms

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Prayer Rooms are at the heart of the 24-7 Prayer movement. They are a place of night and day prayer, where individuals pass on the baton of prayer from one another one hour to the next. For centuries unceasing prayer has been the catalyst for change in individual lives and communities.

Read Red Moon Rising Join the Year of Prayer