
24-7 Prayer GB

Welcome to the 24-7 Prayer GB website!

24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational, movement uniquely positioned to equip the church to pray. For us here in Great Britain we serve all streams of church in our nations to go longer and deeper in prayer, we believe our prayers are powerful, and a praying church shapes both individual lives and culture.


24-7 Prayer GB Communities

The 24-7 Communities’ network is a primary place of belonging, accountability, and support for our communities. Our communities are diverse in expression: everything from large Churches and smaller city or town churches, to different expressions of house Churches, New Monastic Communities and Houses of Prayer.

If you are looking for a church or community in your area, or are considering transitioning your church into a 24-7 Prayer community, find out more.

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24-7 Prayer Local

Find prayer rooms near you, connect with others running rooms and get inspired.

24-7 Prayer Local

24-7 Prayer Scotland

24-7 Prayer Scotland exists to revive the Church and rewire culture in a Scottish context, offering inspiration, support, resources and training in Presence-centred, wildly creative prayer, mission and justice to the Church across Scotland in all her beautiful and varied expressions. We also facilitate retreats to help individuals connect with God in a place of rest, renewal and restoration.

Our ‘big’ vision in all of this is to see Scotland’s rich spiritual heritage renewed and her historical missional impact on the nations of the world brought to life once again.

24-7 Prayer Scotland

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Run a 24-7 Prayer Room Read Red Moon Rising Run the Prayer Course