
Youth Prayer Room Pack

24-7 Prayer started out as a movement of young people encountering Jesus in prayer rooms. 25 years on, we’re praying for a new movement of young people to answer the call of contending for a new move of God through prayer. We believe 24-7 Prayer rooms are key to encountering Jesus, churches being revived and the culture being rewired.

We’re inviting YOUR YOUTH GROUP to set up a 24-7 Prayer room and cry out in prayer for God to bring awakening in our time.



Youth Prayer Nights

24-7 Prayer Youth partners with churches and other organisations to put on regular, local prayer nights to awaken young people, gather them to pray, equip them for regular devotion, and mobilise them for mission. To find out if there is an upcoming event near you, click the button below to find out more.

Find Out More

Origins Course

The Origins course is a free resource is designed to equip and encourage your youth and young people in prayer, through eight sessions that cover; why we pray, who we pray to, and how we can go about praying – following the acronym P.R.A.Y.E.R. To access the course, click the link below.


Origins Course


Want to find out what we have been up to at 24-7 Prayer Youth? Head to our Stories page to read about just some of the amazing things God is doing!



Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know if you have any enquiries, stories or testimonies.

Contact Us Youth