If you are looking to bring together your community in prayer and worship, this prayer guide is designed to help you facilitate an intergenerational service with fun and creative prayer activities thread throughout, or as a response.
Read through the leaders guide and selected the activities you will include, get everything you need and when you are ready print out the printable versions
How to use the Guide?
As you look through this guide you will see the activities are grouped into P.R.A.Y. This is the type of prayer the activity helps the community grow in. There are a mix of both corporate and contemplative ideas throughout.
What does P.R.A.Y stand for?
- P=PAUSE (These activities help the children to be still and focus their attention on God).
- R= REFLECT and REJOICE (These activities give space for thanking God, reflecting on who He is and who He has created them to be).
- A= ASK (Asking God for change in our lives and communities).
- Y= YIELD (saying YES!)
We recommend including a mix of P.R.A.Y prayer activities, depending on the size of your space and the vision of your ministry.
Read through this leaders guide, to select the activities and find out how to set them up, before printing the print friendly instructions.