Booking Received

Thank you for your booking. Your booking has been successfully received.

Now that you have completed your booking for the Year of Prayer, if you haven’t already, please register your prayer room here. Registering your prayer room on the 24-7 Prayer website grants you access to your sign-up calendar, shown below, where you will be given a unique link to your Prayer Room to allow you to share with anybody who would like to book a slot to pray.

Some of the other benefits to registering your prayer room include: 

  • The ability to block out times when your Prayer Room may be closed. 
  • Setting themes, such as worship time or time to pray around a particular topic. 
  • Customisable confirmation and reminder emails, where you can include important information about the Room such as how to access it. 
  • Ability for those booking slots to contact you, the organiser, via a contact form in case of any problems or queries. 

You will also receive email communication from the 24-7 Team before your Prayer Room, linking resources to help you prepare, and after your Prayer Room, where you can let us know how it went and if you have any photos and stories we love to see these too!  

We look forward to passing the baton to you in 2024!