24-7 Prayer Youth – What’s happening?

BRAND NEW – Youth Prayer Room Pack!

24-7 Prayer started out as a movement of young people encountering Jesus in prayer rooms. 25 years on, we’re praying for a new movement of young people to answer the call of contending for a new move of God through prayer.

We’re inviting YOUR YOUTH GROUP to set up a 24-7 Prayer room and cry out in prayer for God to bring awakening in our time. 

Wildfires 2024

“Wildfires Youth was amazing this year I really felt God and I was able to show it thank you very much I will never feel the same!!”

A young person shared on stage a vision they had at Wildfires 2022 of them holding a phone on stage at Wildfires 2023 but they didn’t know what it meant until after a talk on boldness and evangelism at this year’s Wildfires. They felt they were to get on the stage and challenge youth in the room to take out their phones and invite their friends to church that Sunday. Loads of them did it and a number of them were shouting out that their friends were texting back saying yes.

“I invited one of my school friends to youth on a Friday and she said she’d love to come and I asked her if she was interested in faith and she said she was.”

“My friend that I messaged said that she would come to church with me when I completely expected her to say no!!! God is good.”

Want to join in at Wildfires 2024? Click the link to find out more!

Dreaming the Impossible 2023

GB Youth Director, Josh Green, spoke at Dreaming the Impossible festival this Summer about how the most powerful prayers are those that are persistent, consistent and resistant. To catch up, click here.